a picture of the CASIU logo

Code of Ethics

CASIU Governance and Ethics
The Governance and Ethics Committee may be asked by the President, a Board member or member or Associate member as well as an outside entity or individual to study and make recommendations on matters related to the governance and ethical operations of CASIU including by-laws, policies and procedures. Such matters include the CASIU whistleblower policy and matters pertaining to conduct. The Governance and Ethics Committee shall have the power to receive, initiate and investigate complaints of unethical conduct by
  • CASIU Board Members and Committee persons and members
  • Unauthorized use of CASIU Logos or claimed association with CASIU
  • Review and give opinion to the board on Speakers requesting to present/mail/email to CASIU membership
  • The Ethics Committee can be called upon to vet speakers as needed
  • Address problems related to ethics referred to the association
  • Advise on ethical issues related to the CASIU core strategies and priorities
  • Maintain the confidentiality of documents and, where appropriate, committee deliberations
  • Advise on ethical matters
Interpretation and Definition
No part of this document shall supersede the Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.I.8, as amended, or its regulations or any other legislation relevant to the insurance industry.
  • For the purposes of this document, a “Member” is:
    1. An individual who is a regular, associate, public sector or life member, or
    2. A corporate member as defined in By-Law No.1 dated October 21, 2004.
  • The Canadian Association of Special Investigation Units (CASIU) is the recognized industry association of insurance investigators and business professionals who dedicate their working careers to detecting, investigating and prosecuting insurance fraud and who provide greater awareness of insurance fraud through education and training.
  • CASIU’s Code of Privacy is a component of this Code of Ethics.
Governance and Ethics Committee
As a standing committee of the Board of Directors, the Committee focuses on legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities in support of policy development and operations.
  • The Committee is composed of 3 members and 2 are a quorum. Up to two additional committee members may be named in order to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion in the Committee’s deliberations and recommendations.
  • A quorum for meetings shall be a majority of the members of the Committee, present in person or by telephone or other telecommunication device that permits all persons participating in the meeting to speak and to hear each other. Decisions are usually reached by consensus. .
  • The Committee shall have access to such officers and its legal counsel and to such information CASIU as the Committee considers to be necessary or advisable in order to perform its duties and responsibilities.
  • The Committee shall meet on a regular basis and no less than twice per year. Any member of the Committee may call a meeting of the Committee.
  • To support annual Board renewal in the slate of Board members to be proposed at the annual meeting of members.
  • To develop and propose an administrative process to address complaints, and a whistleblower policy.
Conduct of a Professional Practice
  • Disclosure of Conflicts: Members shall disclose, at the first opportunity, any influence, interest or relationship pertaining to an investigative engagement which may impair the Member’s professional judgment or objectivity.
  • Unqualified Opinions: Members shall not provide opinions for which they are not professionally qualified to give.
  • Reports: Members shall be forthcoming, truthful, and professional in disclosing investigative findings. Reports to clients shall be complete, objective and unbiased. Reports should not provide opinions without a factual foundation.
Standards of Conduct and Compliance with the Code of Ethics
  • Standard of Care: Members shall at all times adhere to this Code of Ethics and Code of Privacy. Members will ensure that all employees, subcontractors, and other persons paid to assist in an investigation are advised of this Code of Ethics and CASIU’s Code of Privacy.
  • Integrity: Members shall at all times conduct investigations with integrity and in accordance with the law.
  • Confidentiality of Information: Members shall maintain the confidentiality of all information received as part of an investigation.
    1. Each Member will respect the privacy of clients and their right to confidentiality.
    2. Each Member will conduct investigations in a manner consistent with the Code of Privacy PIPEDA.
    3. Each Member will ensure adequate security for personal information collected in the course of an investigation, and will take all reasonable steps to protect against inadvertent or negligent disclosure.
    4. No Member shall use information obtained in an investigation for personal gain.
  • Fees or Remuneration: Members shall pay their membership fees in full when due. Failure to renew membership may result in the removal of the Member from the Association.
  • Representations: No Member will at any time make false or misleading claims relating to academic or professional qualifications.
  • Access and Authorized Usage of member data: this point does not apply to CASIU member data for the daily operation of CASIU. Request’s by any member or outside organization requesting access to CASIU member data for other than CASIU daily operation directly or indirectly will apply to the Governance and Ethics Committee prior to any use or release of member data.
  • Existing member data outside of CASIU should be reported to a member of the Governance and Ethic committee prior to continued usage.